Adult Education

Watercolor Anarchy

“Watercolor Anarchy”

Feb. 29th, 10am-1pm

Instructor: Gail Bracegirdle

Price: $25


Once titled “Watercolor Independent Study”, this supportive and inclusive group quickly evolved and became known as “Watercolor Anarchy”. Set up a still life, use your photos for inspiration – or – experiment with artistic ideas from your inner being.  Work with basic watercolors, textured papers, collage, monoprints or layering and enjoy the flow of watercolor in a supportive and creative group setting. Each week the class finishes with a group critique that the “Anarchists” call ‘show & tell’.

Materials are not supplied in this workshop. Please refer to the suggested materials list below:

Paint: Winsor-Newton, SoHo or Grumbacher brands are preferred. Be sure to get watercolors and not gouche.

Warm Colors – Cadmium yellow medium, Cadmium red medium or deep, Ultramarine blue, Cobalt blue, Raw sienna or yellow ochre

Cool Colors – Aureolin or Lemon yellow, Alizarin crimson, Antwerp or Winsor (Pthalo) blue, Cerulean blue, Burnt sienna

Palette: Any plastic watercolor well that has wells for paint around the outside with a LARGE mixing area and a lid. A white enameled “butcher” tray or a dinner plate with plastic wrap will work.

Paper: 140lb cold press, suggested brands are Lanaquarelle, Arches and Waterford.

Brushes: 1″ flat brush with beveled handle, #10 or #12 round, #5 or #6 round, 1/2″ flat (synthetic or blended is fine)

Miscellaneous: Spiral bound sketchbook with heavier or watercolor paper, pencil, roll of masking or artist tape, sponge, water container (ex. leftover yogurt container), paper towels

Instructor: Gail Bracegirdle

Price: $25

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