Exhibit Archive

September Exhibitions at Artworks

September 2015

Main Gallery

Diaspora, Past and Present – Eun-Kyung Suh

September 9 – October 3  (Opening Reception – September 12, 6-8pm)

“Comfort women” was a practice that is hard to comprehend, and its profound inhumanity is impossible to accept. Eun-Kyung Suh’s Diaspora, Past and Present exhibition tells the heart-rendering stories of these “comfort women” in a most sensitive and quiet way, so we are able to take a step closer to understanding the lives of these brave women. Our instinct is to pull away when confronted with the raw emotion of these stories, but because of Suh’s compassion and artistic brilliance, there is a safe place for us to enter.”- from the curatorial essay by Margaret Miller

4"x6" Post Card Template


Community Gallery

Dreamers – Delonte Harrod and Mic Boekelmann

September 9 – October 3  (Opening Reception – September 12, 6-8pm)

The Dreamers project will include paintings, photography, and a video of the people talking about their dreams and aspirations as individuals and for the city Trenton.Delonte Harrod (photographer and writer) and Mic Boekelmann (an accomplished painter and teacher) have completed their two-year long project titled “Dreamers.” The goal of this project is to tell the stories of ten individuals living in Trenton.  We approached this project from the perspective of Trenton being a city of vibrant people who are and will continue to contribute to the common good of the city.





Artlab Gallery

Sacred Collective

September 9 – October 3  (Opening Reception – September 12, 6-8pm)

S.A.C.R.E.D (Some Artists Considering Religious Energies Differently) is an exhibit of installations and visual art that embraces the belief systems, philosophies, icons, myths, and rituals that act as a conduit to a spiritual experience for both the artist and viewer.   Whether expressed in a representational form or in the abstract, the collection of artwork in our exhibit will explore and reflect the many diverse images that may be considered sacred in this world.




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