


Trenton’s premier 24-hour art event will return to the Roebling Wire Works on June 15-16, still open and free for all but with new controlled entry and other security measures.

Artworks, Trenton’s Visual Art Center, announced the return of Art All Night on June 15-16, 2019, with new entry and security precautions designed to prevent a reoccurrence of the violence which broke out at the event in 2018, forcing its cancellation. “We are excited to announce the return of Art All Night in 2019. We have been working diligently with many partners to ensure that this year Art All Night will be secure as well as fun, that what happened last year can never happen again,” said Artworks Executive Director Lauren Otis. “In the interest of safety, we will be making a variety of changes ensuring that Art All Night activities and the Art All Night site are secure for all visitors and participants,” Mr. Otis said.


“As it has always been, Art All Night will continue to be free and open to all, a welcoming festival for all of Trenton’s and the region’s citizens, a place where we all come together and use art as an agent for positive change in our community,” said Joseph Kuzemka, Art All Night Director. “We encourage everyone to continue to be a part of the event and attend June 15th and 16th while we bring a full 24 hours of art to Trenton. Our submission forms are open and every participant who hangs art, offers to perform or volunteers, adds purpose and strength to the words Art, Community and Nonviolence,” said Mr. Kuzemka.


“Art. Community. Nonviolence. These three words are now inseparable to us,” Mr. Kuzemka added, “and are integral to our mission serving the Greater Trenton region. Community, and communal art, is at the core of what we started in Trenton 13 years ago at the first Art All Night and it has been incredible to see the collective power of art to grow and cement our community ties. Now, more than ever, we want to ensure art will continue to be a support for and give a voice to those with limited hope or opportunity. In rebuilding Art All Night, we are rededicated to making art a healing force for the ills and violence in our community.  The words of support that people from all communities and walks of life offered us after last year’s tragedy, from New Jersey’s Governor, Trenton’s Mayor, community leaders, to countless individuals, holds true: we need Art All Night now more than ever.”


“Joseph and I have been meeting for months with Trenton Mayor Reed Gusciora, his staff, senior members of the City of Trenton Police Department, other law enforcement agencies, and outside security consultants, and have developed a plan which will ensure a safe and fun Art All Night,” Mr. Otis said. “The most visible change to Art All Night will be how we all access the event and what we can bring into the event,” he said. “There will be controlled access to both the Roebling Wire Works building and all outdoor activities, with the full outdoor perimeter of the event fenced and Dye Street and parts of South Clinton Avenue closed to traffic. Entry can be gained at two controlled entrances, and all attendees and their personal effects will be wanded and subject to search. Additionally, no outside alcohol or other liquids of any kind, drugs or other dangerous or illegal items, will be allowed into the event. We will post a complete list of items that will not be allowed soon. Please check it carefully.”


“These changes will mean waits, maybe long ones at peak hours, to get into Art All Night,” Mr. Otis said. “This may be frustrating but ultimately is for the security and safety of all. Art All Night needs to come back, but it needs to come back to Trenton in a way we can all be proud of, and all feel secure in being a part of.” He urged artists and attendees to check the Art All Night website and social media pages regularly to keep abreast of new exhibit and attendance protocols.






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